
05, 2020

Investing in Crypto: Path to Riches or a Recipe for Disaster?

Business, Crypto, Finance
By admin | May 1, 2020 | Business, Crypto, Finance

Cryptocurrency was barely a blip on most people’s radars until Bitcoin values went through the roof in 2017, peaking at $19,783.21. Those who were not familiar with crypto before then sure became aware quickly. Many people hopped on the bandwagon only to be disappointed, while others learned and made it work for them. So which […]

01, 2020

5 Fintech Trends to Watch out for in 2020

By admin | January 30, 2020 | Finance

The financial industry continues to improve with regular advances in automation and technology. Dubbed “fintech,” the combination of finance and technology has become a popular trend to watch for industry insiders and the general public.  Fintech has changed the way that money is exchanged. Most people know about crowdfunding and mobile banking, but there are […]

11, 2018

A Solution to the Modern Challenges: Can the Blockchain Technology Revolutionize the Supply Chain?

Crypto, News
By admin | November 14, 2018 | Crypto, News

There is more to blockchain technology than cryptocurrencies. Digital ledgers are highly functional recordkeepers. Supply chains have needed an innovation in recordkeeping for some time. Current Challenges Facing Supply Chains The technological revolution outpaced supply chains. Once products could not move fast enough. Now, innovations in transportation, storage, and production have grown exponentially in terms […]