Your DCSR plays a major role in the direction your company will take when dealing with debt. A debt service coverage ratio is one of the first headaches any business owner will deal with. Once you determine DSCR the first time, it is much easier to calculate in later years. What Is Debt Service Coverage […]
Did you know that your 9-5 job isn’t the only place to earn money? If you plan to create informed financial goals and use the money to your advantage, keep reading till the end. This article talks about income, the different types of income, why is it important to have many sources of earnings, and […]
When you own your own business, cash flow problems arise from time to time. It may not be serious. Perhaps a supplier needs paying before your clients have made their payments? Or perhaps you are expanding and need quick capital to make the one-off payments associated with opening a new facility? When these situations arise, […]
401k vs 403b can be difficult to know which kind of retirement savings plan to go with. Everyone you talk to may have different plans, and you’re not sure what the difference is. It can be even more difficult when one employer only offers one kind of retirement plan and not others. How do you […]