US Census Bureau Finds That Raising the Minimum Wage Would Be Beneficial, but What Are the Cons of Doing So?

The media and public sector often tout the benefits of increasing the federal minimum wage. President Obama used his 2014 State of the Union Address to proclaim that a higher minimum wage would drive economic growth, provide more jobs, and reduce government spending. However, these benefits are often inflated and fail to take into consideration […]

by admin
The Difference Between Finance And Lease: What’s The Best Option For You?
The Ultimate Guide to the Difference Between Finance And Lease

When shopping for a new product, one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is fund or lease. Although both options have advantages and disadvantages, determining the best choice for you can be difficult. We will explain the differences between finance and lease in this blog post to make an intelligent decision about […]

by admin
Understanding adjusting entries in accounting

While summing up the financial year, it is important to get your accounting balance straight. Therefore, you should consider making adjusting entries. Without them, your final figure for the account can become inaccurate. Thus, to avoid inaccuracies and know the exact revenue generated by your business in the accounting year, it is important to record […]

by admin
Why the Uber Stock Has Fallen: A Disaster or an Opportunity to Invest?

Every good investor knows that it’s important to always pay attention to what’s going on in the stock market world. When it comes to investing in anything, one can’t simply turn a blind eye. Investing can be complex at times, and you must be keeping an eye on your investments if you want to be […]

by admin
11, 2018

A Solution to the Modern Challenges: Can the Blockchain Technology Revolutionize the Supply Chain?

Crypto, News
By admin | November 14, 2018 | Crypto, News

There is more to blockchain technology than cryptocurrencies. Digital ledgers are highly functional recordkeepers. Supply chains have needed an innovation in recordkeeping for some time. Current Challenges Facing Supply Chains The technological revolution outpaced supply chains. Once products could not move fast enough. Now, innovations in transportation, storage, and production have grown exponentially in terms […]

11, 2018

Simplifying Your Financial Life: How Tolley.Ai and Other Tax Bots Can Help You Answer Your Accounting Questions

By admin | November 8, 2018 | Finance

If you haven’t adopted and implemented advanced technologies that can help you solve accounting questions easier and faster, then you should think of doing that right away. This is because, artificial intelligence will come with benefits like reduced costs and time, increase in productivity, and improved accuracy. Because of its numerous benefits, organizations are beginning […]

10, 2018

Upping Your Score: How to Improve Your Credit Responsibly

By admin | October 31, 2018 | Finance

What did you find on your last credit report? Improving your score and getting your credit where you want it can take time. This seems like an unfair challenge when you consider how many years’ worth of history stays on the report. But with a few rules of thumb and some patience, you can safely […]

10, 2018

Making the Best with What You Have: 6 Ways to Shop on a Shoe-string Budget

By admin | October 29, 2018 | Finance

A Shoe-string budget enables anyone with a low income to spend only on the basic necessities. He or she is aware of the low income and therefore needs to have a clear plan on his or her expenses. If you don’t know what a shoe-string budget is? Perhaps you should know about it. Shoe-string budget […]

10, 2018

Homeowners, Now You Can Earn Something on the Side by Renting Out a Room with Airbnb

By admin | October 17, 2018 | Finance

Homeowners are always being offered ways to unlock the equity in their homes. A lot of the ways suggested involve either selling part or all of an asset, or some type of loan/mortgage deal. Surely there are other ways to get some cash back out of your home, right? Well, there is. If you’re living […]

10, 2018

Life Is Made of Time and Choices: 7 Examples of Opportunity Costs You Incur Every Time You Make a Decision

By admin | October 10, 2018 | Finance

Life is short and full of choices. Choices that make or break us. We all love success and to look back someday and appreciate the choices we made. You won’t like regretting the decision you make today if its outcome won’t be as you’d expect, right? If you decide to do one thing, you won’t […]

10, 2018

These 3 Credit Card Apps Will Help You Get the Most Out of Credit Card Rewards

By admin | October 3, 2018 | Finance

Credit cards have gone through a variety of phases in how they’re viewed. Originally they were seen as a genius idea, a way for people to make purchases based on their ability to pay the cash back at a later date. This is great for emergencies or for a large purchase which you’d otherwise have […]

09, 2018

Modern Age Entrepreneurship: 10 Types of Businesses You Can Run from the Comfort of Your Home

Business, Finance
By admin | September 27, 2018 | Business, Finance

If you’re not a fan of grinding your days away at the office and you’d like to be actively engaged in a lifestyle that’s more fulfilling, flexible, and allows for more freedom, the modern times offer plenty of alternatives. To make you see what’s possible, we’re going to briefly go over 10 of them just […]

09, 2018

What Lies Beneath the Surface: Is Student Loan Forgiveness Truly Worth It?

By admin | September 20, 2018 | Finance

We’ve all got the emails and seen the ads of companies looking forward to forgive your student debt if you meet certain criteria. To fully convince you take immediate action, the message is usually accompanied by testimonials from people who’ve benefited from similar programs and who are forever grateful for the services of the companies […]

09, 2018

Financing Your Dreams: Is Home Equity Loan the Right Choice for You

By admin | September 12, 2018 | Finance

A home equity loan is one of the most common types of loan available and can be a great way to provide you with the credit you need. Whether you’re looking for student credit or college tuition funds or even just looking for a new car or kitchen, a home equity loan can provide. However, […]