What Is the Role of Smart Contracts in Investing?

Only a short time ago the investment arena experienced some seismic changes in the way all of us can invest our money. Smart contracts are right up there as a typical example of technology shaking up the way these investment options are executed. Blockchain technology has grown into an investment opportunity that is very popular […]

by admin
It All Adds Up: The Importance of Putting a Little Bit Aside Every Month

More than half the people in the world live paycheck to paycheck. A single emergency can put their entire lives on hold, sometimes to an unrecoverable degree. If you fall into this category, then now would be a great time to rethink your current finances. A small emergency fund will change your life for the […]

by admin
Do You Consider Yourself Financially Literate? Check by Recognizing These 5 Key Principles

Would you call yourself an individual who’s ‘financially literate’? While we’re not necessarily claiming that you know the Stock Market like the back of your hand, since we all use money in our daily lives, being financially literate should be a necessity across the board. The thing is, you can’t just ask whether someone is […]

by admin
Is Credit Card Debt Weighing You Down? Here Are 5 Ways to Refinance It

Refinancing is your best option to combat out of control credit card debt. It takes a certain amount of discipline to settle the debts and may involve a couple of missteps along the way. Knowing your limits is useless information without a plan in place.  Use the five tips below to right the ship with […]

by admin
07, 2021
Infinite banking

Infinite Banking: Concept of Borrowing From Yourself

By admin | July 2, 2021 | Finance

Infinite banking: Not many people are aware of this concept. Many people may have never even heard the time before, and that means they’re likely missing out on the benefits infinite banking can bring to one’s life. So what exactly is it and how does it work? What are the pros and cons? Here’s everything […]

06, 2021
Gross Profit Ratio

How to Calculate Gross Profit Ratio: The Complete Formula Explained

By admin | June 23, 2021 | Business

Gross Profit Ratio is calculated by dividing your revenue by your gross profit. Owning a small business isn’t easy; it can take a while before it actually starts becoming profitable. There should be an easy way to determine whether you’re actually making money or not. Luckily, there is! It’s called the gross profit ratio, and […]

06, 2021

401k vs 403b:Knowing the differences

By admin | June 7, 2021 | Finance

401k vs 403b can be difficult to know which kind of retirement savings plan to go with. Everyone you talk to may have different plans, and you’re not sure what the difference is. It can be even more difficult when one employer only offers one kind of retirement plan and not others. How do you […]

05, 2021

Growth and Expansion: The Two Methods of Presenting Operating Cash Flow

Business, Finance
By admin | May 28, 2021 | Business, Finance

Operating cash flow is a familiar accounting term that is related to direct business operations. The important calculations used are helpful when getting a clear outlook of the growth and expansion of a company. For a growing business, there are the financial projections that will matter the most.   OCF Operating cash flow helps a company […]

05, 2021

4 Key Differentiating Factors Between Long Term and Short Term Loans

By admin | May 11, 2021 | Finance

When it comes to taking out a loan, it’s important that you know what you’re getting into. There are different kinds of loans, and knowing the differences between them can make it easier for you in the future, financially. So what are these different loans and how can you benefit from them the most? Here’s […]

04, 2021

Crossing the Breakeven Point: Margin of Safety and Its Implications

By admin | April 27, 2021 | Finance

If you are prepared to invest your hard-earned money in the stock market you should understand that there is an element of risk attached to your financial speculation and that is why you want to find investments that offer a margin of safety. This could be when you find a stock that you believe is […]

04, 2021

Investing 101: What Are Earnings per Share and How Are They Calculated?

By admin | April 26, 2021 | Finance

The world of investing is littered with terms and jargon that can be confusing and even misleading if you don’t understand what the words and numbers are supposed to mean. Take earnings per share, for example, which is commonly used as a method of calculating whether a company’s stock price is considered to be good […]

04, 2021

Evaluating the Performance of an Investment: What Is CAGR?

By admin | April 7, 2021 | Finance

A compound annual growth rate is an important stat that helps identify the growth of your business. Without it, there is a huge blind spot to success that is near impossible to overcome. All companies have a unique way of using this stat, so what is CAGR to your company? Learning the answer will open […]

03, 2021

Accounting 101: What Are Intangible Assets?

By admin | March 25, 2021 | Finance

In basic terms, intangible assets can’t be seen but have a long-term value for your business, and a typical example of what this represents would be the perceived value of your company’s reputation. When something is intangible it can’t be seen or exist physically, but it is abundantly clear that your business can accumulate intangible […]

03, 2021

Financial Leverage: How Does it Work and Where is it Used?

Finance, News
By admin | March 12, 2021 | Finance, News

It is a term that you may well be familiar with but understanding the mechanics of financial leverage and how to use it to your advantage takes a greater level of comprehension if you are going to maximize your opportunities. Here is an overview of what financial leverage is all about and when it is […]