
07, 2020

How to Develop Your Own Millionaire Mindset

Budget, Finance
By admin | July 13, 2020 | Budget, Finance

If you ask any millionaire how they made their money they will probably give you a story that is unique to a certain extent but also contains a number of common factors that seem to apply to most wealthy people. One of those factors is having the mental toughness and mindset to think like someone […]

05, 2020

Investing in Crypto: Path to Riches or a Recipe for Disaster?

Business, Crypto, Finance
By admin | May 1, 2020 | Business, Crypto, Finance

Cryptocurrency was barely a blip on most people’s radars until Bitcoin values went through the roof in 2017, peaking at $19,783.21. Those who were not familiar with crypto before then sure became aware quickly. Many people hopped on the bandwagon only to be disappointed, while others learned and made it work for them. So which […]

04, 2020

Contrary to Popular Belief: No Budgeting Plan Is Perfect Without Adding in Some Fun Money

Budget, Finance
By admin | April 16, 2020 | Budget, Finance

Setting a budget is a necessity for most adults. But no budget is complete without a bit of fun money. If all you do is pay bills and buy necessities, your budget isn’t going to last long. It is important for you to have some fun in your life, so be sure that you set […]

01, 2020

Escaping the Rat Race: 4 Reasons Why a Traditional 9 to 5 Job Will Never Make You Rich

Business, Finance
By admin | January 17, 2020 | Business, Finance

Even if you are fortunate enough to love your 9 to 5 job the bottom line is that you will not become a wealthy person working for someone else. Every job will have its mundane aspects and when you combine that with a salary that just about gets you through to the end of the […]