01, 2021

Free Market Capitalism vs. Socialism: The Key Takeaways
There are many economic and social philosophies, and every society, no matter how modern or simplistic, adheres to some sort of governing ideology. Free market capitalism and socialism are just two of those governing philosophies. The biggest difference between the two being the extent of involvement the government has in the economy. Here’s a brief […]
01, 2021

Cashier’s Check vs Money Order: 4 Tips to Help You Decide
Both cashier checks and a money order process are great ways to send sums of money to people and businesses when you’re looking for a more secure method over standard cash or check payments. However, both cost money and have their own pros and cons, so if you’re wondering which is best, you’ve come to […]
12, 2020

Debt Service Coverage Ratio: This Is How to Calculate It
Your DCSR plays a major role in the direction your company will take when dealing with debt. A debt service coverage ratio is one of the first headaches any business owner will deal with. Once you determine DSCR the first time, it is much easier to calculate in later years. What Is Debt Service Coverage […]
10, 2020

Getting the Ball Rolling: 7 Tips for Finding the Best Used Car Loan Rates
Auto loan rates fluctuate just like any other interest rate. The better your credit rating the lower your used car loan rate will be. But if you have little to no credit or bad credit, all hope is not lost. You too can get a car loan with interest rates to fit your budget. 1. […]
09, 2020

7 Bad Credit Auto Loans Tricks to Get Approved Regardless of Your Credit History
One of the most frustrating parts of adulthood is getting disapproved of an auto loan you desperately need. Often, the reason you don’t get approved is due to the state of your credit history. If you don’t believe your credit is sufficient enough to get approved for an auto loan, don’t give up all hope […]
08, 2020

3 Car Loan Payment Factors: What Determines Car Loan Interest Rates?
When you’re buying a new car on loan, one of the most important considerations you need to be thinking about comes in the form of your loan’s interest rates. While you may be getting a great deal with the car, if you’re paying a stupid and ridiculous amount of interest, it’s going to be a […]
08, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About USDA Loans: Are They the Right Choice for Your Needs?
We all need a little help now and then. If you’re a resident of the United States, you may be eligible for a home loan from the United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA loans are meant to promote rural development through homeownership loans. Many residents of the U.S. aren’t even aware that the USDA […]
07, 2020

How to Develop Your Own Millionaire Mindset
If you ask any millionaire how they made their money they will probably give you a story that is unique to a certain extent but also contains a number of common factors that seem to apply to most wealthy people. One of those factors is having the mental toughness and mindset to think like someone […]
07, 2020

5 Things to Look for When Seeking Mezzanine Financing
Real estate financing options are numerous, and get more advanced when you include mezzanine financing. It is one of the most important types of financing options if you’re a serious investor. If you want to fill the gap between your equity investment and primary loan, mezzanine financing is the best choice. 1. Get The Structure […]