
12, 2020

Debt Service Coverage Ratio: This Is How to Calculate It

By admin | December 29, 2020 | Finance

Your DCSR plays a major role in the direction your company will take when dealing with debt. A debt service coverage ratio is one of the first headaches any business owner will deal with. Once you determine DSCR the first time, it is much easier to calculate in later years.  What Is Debt Service Coverage […]

01, 2020

Escaping the Rat Race: 4 Reasons Why a Traditional 9 to 5 Job Will Never Make You Rich

Business, Finance
By admin | January 17, 2020 | Business, Finance

Even if you are fortunate enough to love your 9 to 5 job the bottom line is that you will not become a wealthy person working for someone else. Every job will have its mundane aspects and when you combine that with a salary that just about gets you through to the end of the […]

12, 2018

Do You Consider Yourself Financially Literate? Check by Recognizing These 5 Key Principles

By admin | December 5, 2018 | Finance

Would you call yourself an individual who’s ‘financially literate’? While we’re not necessarily claiming that you know the Stock Market like the back of your hand, since we all use money in our daily lives, being financially literate should be a necessity across the board. The thing is, you can’t just ask whether someone is […]

11, 2018

Managing Your Resources: 7 Common Living Expenses You Can Limit or Avoid

Budget, News
By admin | November 28, 2018 | Budget, News

If you are trying to build up a nest egg or you want to live more frugally, there are ways that you can do that which should not be too difficult for you. Living within your means is something that you should learn to do as a responsible adult, and there are many methods that […]

11, 2018

Establishing an Improved Customer Experience: 5 Benefits of Open Banking

By admin | November 21, 2018 | Finance

Open banking is a relatively new form of financial management which is started to become implemented around the world. The term refers to third-party applications that are designed to access people’s bank account information (with permission, of course) to help them manage their money. For example, you would download an open banking app, connect it to […]

11, 2018

A Solution to the Modern Challenges: Can the Blockchain Technology Revolutionize the Supply Chain?

Crypto, News
By admin | November 14, 2018 | Crypto, News

There is more to blockchain technology than cryptocurrencies. Digital ledgers are highly functional recordkeepers. Supply chains have needed an innovation in recordkeeping for some time. Current Challenges Facing Supply Chains The technological revolution outpaced supply chains. Once products could not move fast enough. Now, innovations in transportation, storage, and production have grown exponentially in terms […]

11, 2018

Simplifying Your Financial Life: How Tolley.Ai and Other Tax Bots Can Help You Answer Your Accounting Questions

By admin | November 8, 2018 | Finance

If you haven’t adopted and implemented advanced technologies that can help you solve accounting questions easier and faster, then you should think of doing that right away. This is because, artificial intelligence will come with benefits like reduced costs and time, increase in productivity, and improved accuracy. Because of its numerous benefits, organizations are beginning […]

10, 2018

Upping Your Score: How to Improve Your Credit Responsibly

By admin | October 31, 2018 | Finance

What did you find on your last credit report? Improving your score and getting your credit where you want it can take time. This seems like an unfair challenge when you consider how many years’ worth of history stays on the report. But with a few rules of thumb and some patience, you can safely […]