More than half the people in the world live paycheck to paycheck. A single emergency can put their entire lives on hold, sometimes to an unrecoverable degree. If you fall into this category, then now would be a great time to rethink your current finances. A small emergency fund will change your life for the […]
Bad debts have a way of piling up in the most unexpected ways. Before it gets to the point of no return, you have to figure out your financial Achilles heel. For most people, it comes down to multiple personal decisions. Fix them quickly, and you’ll see an immediate change in your fortune. Subscription Services […]
Being an entrepreneur can be a rewarding experience. You get to invest your money into new ideas and see them blossom into something new. You can move from one project to the next, leaving success in your wake. But there’s nothing more fulfilling than investing in yourself as a person. That doesn’t mean putting all […]
Only a short time ago the investment arena experienced some seismic changes in the way all of us can invest our money. Smart contracts are right up there as a typical example of technology shaking up the way these investment options are executed. Blockchain technology has grown into an investment opportunity that is very popular […]